Sunday, August 3, 2008


I lost count but I think I have visited almost 30 shops on lights alone. Yeah ..... I am a crazy shopper.
Of which, let me highlight the really good ones - Megaman, 168 Trading, LightsCraft and Lumerie.

I love lights that are simple, timeless, modern and energy-saving. The above shops have it all. When I shop, I look for practicality (does it serve my needs?), function (does it save energy and money in the long run?) and value (is it worth spending the penny?)

I do not advise that you buy lights from just one place. Come on, do not be lazy biggrin.gif This is going to your nest for many years to come. Invest the time -- treat it as a weekend outing. Take your time and find the stuff you like -- do not compromise.

Okie, my review on the above 4 shops -- Megaman's sales person is not as customer orientated as Lumerie. They have solid products but they need to build more sales knowledge in their staff. In fact, I was served by the accounts person when I shopped at Megaman - Kitchener Branch! She is Lynette and she is very knowledgeable about lights. Lumerie lights are EXPEN$IVE but they have lots of pretty timeless stuff. If money is no object, Lumerie is a good place to shop for unique lights. Look for Steven.
168 Trading and LightsCraft are local "chee- na" shops. They are economical for simple stuff like downlights & T5.

My learning and tips on lighting
-- go for simplicity that will not go out of fashion. For example - it is no longer in trend to have hanging pendant lighting over the dining table. Now, the trend is to have a floor lamp that arches over the dinning table. So, do not follow trend blindly. Ask yourself -- if this goes out of trend, will I still like it ? If the answer is YES, then buy it. And enjoy it for as long as you like it.

-- lights are forever..... well almost. tongue.gif So, do not try to save too much money here. You can save money by going to "chee- na shops" like 168 Trading and LightsCraft for simple general task lights like downlights & T5. But do invest the money and get 1 or 2 nice lighting pieces from expensive shops like Lumerie or Space Furniture and they will be a conservational piece in your lovely nest.

-- go for energy savings ! Do your part for the earth.

-- in bathrooms, it is quite important to provide adequate light around the vanity and mirror. A light above the mirror to illuminate downward is recommended. Also lights on both sides of the mirror are recommended to reduce shadows on the face.

-- there are three basic types of lighting that work together to light your home: General, Task and Accent. A good lighting plan combines all three types to light an area, according to function and style.

That is all for now.... Pls wait for my next post.

In the meantime.... hang loose and enjoy life ~~~
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End of Part 1.

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